* She sits up great now!
* She still has no desire to crawl. At all. We will put her on her stomach, and she doesn't even try to lift her body off the floor.
* She still can only roll in one direction, but it doesn't seem to bother her, because she doesn't roll to get where she wants, she just rolls depending on whether or not she wants to be on her stomach or back.
* She loves to take baths and will only play with a wash cloth (mostly because she likes to suck the water out of it, but also because she like to whack the water with it, which of course gets everything wet).
* She still only has a tiny bit of hair, but what she has is definitely blond!
* She loves to stand up holding onto to things, like the couch, or our hands. She will walk if we prompt her to, but otherwise just like to stand still.
* She has her two bottom teeth, but her gums are feeling pretty bumpy these days, so I won't be surprised to see a few more pop up soon.
* She is very noisy! She will sometimes just lay on the floor and yell as loud as she can. Not because she's mad, though. In fact, she promptly smiles afterwards, as though she's feeling pretty proud of her lung capacity.
* She still doesn't eat much solid food. She'll eat about 2 oz. of baby food a day, but makes it very clear when she's finished, usually by sticking her tongue out, refusing to open her mouth, of giving me her "angry face".
* She says "dada", "mama", and "baba" (whatever that's supposed to mean) but I don't think she connects the words to anything yet.
* She got to go in a baby swing at the park, and loved it! She also loves to see/be around other babies.
* She likes to take her toys, one-by-one, out of her toy basket and look them individually.
* She is such a happy little girl most of the time, and has such a funny little personality. Trevor and I love her big grin, because she always scrunches up her nose. We are so blessed to have this little girl in our life!
What a cute girl! I can't believe she's already 9months! Sadie skipped crawling and went straight to walking, maybe Alia will be like that?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update! It doesn't feel like I live several states away when I read your blog posts and hear all the cute things Alia is doing! She has such cute little quirks =).