Sunday, May 13, 2012

Two Months Old

I have a doctor's appointment today?
Okay, I guess I can handle that...
Our little girl is growing so fast! Yesterday, she had her two month appointment with the pediatrician, and she now weighs 9lbs 12oz! No wonder my arms are starting to get tired. When she was born, she was in the 2nd percentile for weight, now she's int he 22nd percentile! She's also 22 inches long, which means her body is finally catching up with her big head (so maybe holding up her head will get a little easier).

Wait, what? I have to get SHOTS???
She also had to get some shots unfortunately. I held her arms and tried to comfort her while they did it, but it was so hard for me. I'd never heard her cry in pain like that, and hearing her almost made me cry, too. She had a hard time that night, and I felt so helpless to help. I wish we didn't have to go through this again in two months.

In happier news, today is Mother's day! I was so excited to celebrate my first mother's day (even though Alia is still too young to actually make me a card or anything). Trevor was so good to me, though. He got up and made me breakfast (breakfast burritos, my favorite!) and then he made cute little notes and hid them around the house (I still haven't found them all...). In church, the women all got tomato plants, which was new, since usually it's a flower. We'll see if I can keep it alive...

I am so happy to be a mother. I love Alia so much, and can't imagine my life without her. Her smiles brighten up my day in a way that little else can. I am so lucky to have her. :)

(By the way, I bought this shirt when we were in Mexico last year. I was pregnant at the time, but I didn't know if I was having a boy or girl yet. When I saw the little dress that matched my shirt, I had to buy it...just in case. Haha.)


  1. What a trooper to go through shots! It's no fun to see your little one get stabbed =(. I'm glad to hear you have a wonderful first Mothers Day!I love your matching dresses by the way =).

  2. Love these pictures!!! Trevor is so cute! What a great Mother's Day! And I love the matching shirt/dress for you and Alia - so glad we got that in Cabo! I am going to wear mine next week at Jaxon's pool party we have! So excited! I will take pictures for sure!

  3. ohhhh i hate doing the shots.. it was really hard the first time! but it gets a lil easier thank goodness. lol alia is now slightly bigger than kayleigh was when she was born! haha!
