Monday, February 27, 2012


36 Weeks (Nine months)
I know it doesn't really mean much, since most babies (especially first babies) will hold off until 40+ weeks anyway, but it's really exciting to know that if she were born right now, she would be just fine. Also, I can start hoping that she comes soon without feeling bad about it. Hehe...

I had my 36 week appointment last week and I was 2cm dilated and 60% effaced, which was great news, because it means that my body is doing something! Of course, I know I might still go over due, but I'm hoping that there will be more progress at my 37 week appointment this Wednesday. As for me, I'm still feeling pretty good, but I'm definately more tired lately. I can easily sleep 10-12 hours a night (and not even feel like I've over-slept). Also, my Braxton Hicks contractions have started to feel a little more uncomfortable, sometimes giving me a dull ache in my lower back. All in all, I'd just rather hold our little girl in my arms rather than my stomach at this point!


  1. Congrats!! It is so exciting to get to that point. I love the name. Also I was talking to your mother in law and I think you guys moved into our stake. What ward are you in?

    1. We're in the Midvale 7th ward. What ward are you in?

  2. You look so cute and I'm so excited for you to finally have your baby girl here! I can't wait to hear when she arrives and see her adorable face! Ahhh I'm just so excited! :)
