Thursday, December 1, 2011

24 Weeks

24 Weeks (Six months)
Well, I've made it to 24 weeks! This is a pregnancy milestone, because starting at 24 weeks, the baby is considered viable outside the womb, and doctors are required to do everything they can to save the baby's life. Of course, I would never WANT to have my baby born that premature, but it's comforting to know that I'm past the point where there is no hope of saving the baby if the worst should happen.

Yesterday I had my 24 week appointment with my doctor, which was no big deal, but I also had to do a glucose tolerance test to make sure that I don't have gestational diabetes. The test required me to drink a nasty sugar drink and then have my blood drawn to see how well my body was processing the sugar. Well, for those of you who know me well, you know that I don't do well with blood, needles, and especially any combination of the two. Last time I had to have my blood drawn, I nearly passed out, so this time I made sure that Trevor was there with me. He and the nurses did their best to try and distract me, but I'm a hopeless case. I started getting that weird "tightening" feeling throughout my body, then my face started sweating, and then my vision started getting dark. They kept asking me how I was doing, but it seemed to take a lot of energy to answer them. I guess I looked pretty bad, because the nurses had me go lay down on the floor and put my feet up on a chair, and then they put a wet paper towel on my forehead because they said my skin was really hot. I felt pretty goofy laying on the floor of the waiting area, but it sure helped. Soon I felt much better, and Trevor and I went to Red Lobster with a gift card to celebrate my last blood draw (at least until delivery...and assuming I passed the glucose test).

So glad to have that over with! So...mommy's a wimp, but baby is doing just fine!
3 months, 17 days, and 23 hours left to go!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm sorry getting blood drawn is such an ordeal for you - luckily there isn't very much more with your pregnancy! :) Glad you and baby are doing well and I hope you passed the test because drinking that drink is NASTY and it would be awful to have to do it again. Love and miss you guys!
