Thursday, December 29, 2011

Our First Christmas Together

Even though we were engaged last Christmas, we weren't able to spend it together because I was in Arizona visiting family, so this Christmas was our first real one together. On Christmas Eve, we went to the big Koch family Christmas party at Trevor's grandparent's house. It was a lot of fun! We had a delicious dinner, had a nice little Christmas program put on by one of Trevor's aunts, and then we all got to open up our presents, which were the shirts for next year's family reunion. The shirts were awesome, especially because we got a little one for Alia (and by little, I mean she'll be able to fit into it for the next two years, but it was the smallest size they came in). After the Koch party, we went over to my dad's house and watched "It's a Wonderful Life" which has been a Christmas Eve tradition in my family since before I was born. My aunt and two cousins were there too, so it was great to see them.

On Christmas morning, Trevor and I got up and opened up our gifts to each other. I got Trevor a digital photo frame so that he could have it at work, and also a computer-controllable Nerf dart launcher so that he can shoot his unsuspecting co-workers. Trevor got me a baby onsie and a matching shirt for me. The onsie says, "I love my Mommy" and the shirt says, "I love my little girl." He also made me an elaborate origami flower in an origami bottle, which was beautiful! After we had finished opening our gifts, we headed over to Trevor's parent's house, where we opened more wonderful presents, and had a delicious Christmas breakfast. After going to church with Trevor's family, we headed over to my dad's house, where we opened even more presents (I was feeling a little spoiled with three Christmases!). We had Christmas dinner with my family, which featured a tasty rib-eye roast that my dad cooked to perfection. We then played a game of Balderdash, and headed home so that we could enjoy was was left of the evening by ourselves. All in all, it was a wonderful Christmas! It's strange to think that next year we'll have a little girl to share it with!
Trevor, all bundled up on Christmas

Me, bundled up in my coat that doesn't really close anymore

The matching onsie and shirt that Trevor gave me

The beautiful origami flower in a bottle that Trevor made me.

28 Weeks (Seven months)
Also, as of this week, I am 28 weeks into my pregnancy, or about seven months. Everything is still going really well, although I've had a cold for the past two weeks, which hasn't been very fun. I just had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and everything is looking great. From now on, I'll be seeing my doctor every two weeks. Alia is still wiggling away inside my tummy, but I can tell that things are starting to get a bit cramped for her, because there are less definite kicks, and more pushing and poking with knees and elbows.

Only 2 months, 20 days, and 21 hours left to go!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

24 Weeks

24 Weeks (Six months)
Well, I've made it to 24 weeks! This is a pregnancy milestone, because starting at 24 weeks, the baby is considered viable outside the womb, and doctors are required to do everything they can to save the baby's life. Of course, I would never WANT to have my baby born that premature, but it's comforting to know that I'm past the point where there is no hope of saving the baby if the worst should happen.

Yesterday I had my 24 week appointment with my doctor, which was no big deal, but I also had to do a glucose tolerance test to make sure that I don't have gestational diabetes. The test required me to drink a nasty sugar drink and then have my blood drawn to see how well my body was processing the sugar. Well, for those of you who know me well, you know that I don't do well with blood, needles, and especially any combination of the two. Last time I had to have my blood drawn, I nearly passed out, so this time I made sure that Trevor was there with me. He and the nurses did their best to try and distract me, but I'm a hopeless case. I started getting that weird "tightening" feeling throughout my body, then my face started sweating, and then my vision started getting dark. They kept asking me how I was doing, but it seemed to take a lot of energy to answer them. I guess I looked pretty bad, because the nurses had me go lay down on the floor and put my feet up on a chair, and then they put a wet paper towel on my forehead because they said my skin was really hot. I felt pretty goofy laying on the floor of the waiting area, but it sure helped. Soon I felt much better, and Trevor and I went to Red Lobster with a gift card to celebrate my last blood draw (at least until delivery...and assuming I passed the glucose test).

So glad to have that over with! So...mommy's a wimp, but baby is doing just fine!
3 months, 17 days, and 23 hours left to go!