Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Husband...AKA "Mr. Clean"

Hallelujah! My dear husband has been working his tail end off all day to get things organized and put away! So after all that was done, I was able to vacuum, and now our apartment looks AMAZING! Therefore, I must take back what I said in my last post (about us not getting our act together until it was time to move again) because, boy was I wrong! Trevor is unstoppable! The great thing is, now that it's all clean and organized, it doesn't feel nearly as small anymore. We're truly blessed to have such a nice place to live. :)


  1. Yeah!!! How exciting! Well we are in Utah now and I can't wait to see your cute apartment and you guys! LOVE YOU!

  2. Isn't it nice getting everything together in your own place? I can't wait to see it!
