Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Husband...AKA "Mr. Clean"

Hallelujah! My dear husband has been working his tail end off all day to get things organized and put away! So after all that was done, I was able to vacuum, and now our apartment looks AMAZING! Therefore, I must take back what I said in my last post (about us not getting our act together until it was time to move again) because, boy was I wrong! Trevor is unstoppable! The great thing is, now that it's all clean and organized, it doesn't feel nearly as small anymore. We're truly blessed to have such a nice place to live. :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Callings and Other Things

Well, not much to report from the Koch family. We're just loving life and loving, well, being in love! Trevor and I have both received callings in our new ward. Trevor is the Priest's quorum advisor in the Young Men's, and I'm the second counselor in the Young Women's presidency (aka Beehives teacher). Its great that we both get to work with the youth, and this ward really does have some amazing kids.

Trevor has been riding his bike to work and back everyday for the past two and half weeks, which I still think is amazing (it's 6 miles each way). Because he's riding his bike, I have the car available during the day if I need it. Oh yeah! I finally have my driver's license! I got it about a month ago, and now I can't see why I was so freaked out. I mean, I never underestimate how potentially dangerous a car can be, but I also understand that if you just abide by the laws and use common sense, it's not that difficult. It's been great though, because I've been able to go have lunch with Trevor a few times while he's at work.

We're still working on getting things organized in our home. The problem is, we have more stuff than space, so we just have to get creative. Lately Trevor has been pulling everything out of the second room and trying to put it back in in an organized manner, but right now it looks like a bit of a disaster zone in our living room. But that's just one of the many joys of moving! I'm sure we'll get it all in place just in time to move again. :)

In other news, Trevor's brother, Landon, gets home from his mission in a few weeks, which will be so exciting since I've never met him before. Also, Trevor's sister, Lisa, and her husband and son are going to be coming back to Utah for the summer, so we'll have all the Kochs together! It's going to be great!