Monday, February 27, 2012


36 Weeks (Nine months)
I know it doesn't really mean much, since most babies (especially first babies) will hold off until 40+ weeks anyway, but it's really exciting to know that if she were born right now, she would be just fine. Also, I can start hoping that she comes soon without feeling bad about it. Hehe...

I had my 36 week appointment last week and I was 2cm dilated and 60% effaced, which was great news, because it means that my body is doing something! Of course, I know I might still go over due, but I'm hoping that there will be more progress at my 37 week appointment this Wednesday. As for me, I'm still feeling pretty good, but I'm definately more tired lately. I can easily sleep 10-12 hours a night (and not even feel like I've over-slept). Also, my Braxton Hicks contractions have started to feel a little more uncomfortable, sometimes giving me a dull ache in my lower back. All in all, I'd just rather hold our little girl in my arms rather than my stomach at this point!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

We've Moved!

Our unit is the on the top left (if you're facing the building)
Well, I figured it was time for an update! Trevor and I recently bought a four-plex (we're living in one of the units, and renting out the other three). By doing so, we've eliminated our house payment/rent, which makes it possible for me to stay home with the baby when she gets here. So the last few weeks have been SUPER busy with all the packing, moving, and unpacking, not to mention that fact that we had to buy and assemble a dresser (Ikea all the way, baby), install some blinds, get a new toilet, have the dryer vents cleaned for the whole building, etc. But Trevor is such a champ, and a great handyman. He has been so on top of things, and is always telling me to stop lifting things, and take it easy (which is hard at times, because nesting is setting in, and I go through periods when I just can't stop cleaning and organizing). But slowly, but surely, our home is coming together.

Yesterday was also my last day of work. My kids went off track yesterday, and won't come back on until February 27th, at which point I would already be 37 weeks pregnant (which is considered full-term). So I figured that quitting my job right now would be the smartest decision, but it was hard to say goodbye to those kiddos. Two of my sixth grade girls were bawling, and it was soooo hard to keep myself from crying. My sixth graders all brought in money and the teacher used it to buy me some baby gifts, which they surprised me with on Friday. It was so sweet of them! They all wrote me little cards as well, which they had hanging from the presents. The fifth graders all wrote me notes as well, and some of them were pretty funny, actually. A few of them told me to "have fun on my trip"....huh? Wasn't aware I was going on one! And one student even said, "I hope your baby is a boy." Well, I hope not, seeing as pretty much all my baby stuff is pink! I got some pictures of me with the classes (a normal one, and a goofy one, but I like the goofy ones the best, because it really shows their silly personalities).
My sixth graders

My fifth graders
32 Weeks (Eight months)
 As for me and little Alia, all is going just fine. I'm almost 34 weeks right now, but I'll go ahead and post my 32 week picture, since I kind of got behind in my blogging. Trevor and I just started our child birthing classes up at the hospital, and during our first class they had us watch a video about the stages of labor, and they showed a few women giving birth, including the birthing of the placenta. It was so funny, because the next morning, Trevor said, "I've seen a placenta being birthed...I'll just never be the same now." I have to agree, it was pretty gross, so needless to say, I don't think I'll be one of the women who wants a mirror so she can watch the whole thing happening, at least not with my first delivery.

It's interesting, at the beginning of my pregnancy, everyone kept telling me that I was showing so early, and that I was probably going to be huge at the end, but now I all get are "small" comments, like, "You're due next month? Wow, you just look so small," or "Aww, it's like a cute little basketball." I just think it's funny how everyone has different ideas of what's big and small. But let me tell you, I don't feel small, especially when I'm leaning over to tie my shoes, or bumping my stomach into things, or having to bend over to pick stuff up because I drop EVERYTHING these days. But hey, I only have, like three more weeks until I'm full term! Woohoo!