I didn't necessarily dislike the OB I had with Alia, but when I heard such great things about Dr. Melissa Brown, I decided to switch to her for this pregnancy, and after just one appointment, I'm so glad that I did! Thanks, Lisa for the great recommendation! Dr. Brown finally made a diagnosis for Alia, since my old OB never did, and as I suspected, Alia had IUGR (Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction). Because of this, the placenta died earlier than it should have, which is why Alia was born so small at so late a gestation. After reading more about IUGR babies, it all just clicks so well. For example, IUGR babies often have gross motor skill delays (10 months old and still no signs of crawling!), they tend to be finicky eaters, and because of their smaller stomachs, it generally takes them longer to be able to sleep through the night. The other thing I thought was funny, is that IUGR babies are usually small except for their heads, which are typically the average size for their age. That explains why my tiny girl has always had a big noggin! Lol!
Anyway, because I had IUGR in my last pregnancy, I have to take baby aspirin everyday to help the placenta stay strong, and I will have an ultrasound some time in the third trimester to check on growth. I'm so glad that Dr. Brown made that diagnosis so that this baby can get the proper care that he/she needs.
A lot of people also ask me if I have a feeling about the gender, or a preference. As for feelings, I don't really have a clue! I guess I've been leaning toward another girl just because this pregnancy has been so similar, but I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything. As for a preference, I'll honestly be happy either way. If it's a girl, then that means Alia will have a sister who is close in age, and they can play princesses and all that fun stuff, but if it's a boy, then I'll know for sure that I'll get one of each gender, and Trevor can have a little mini-me of his own. ;)
Overall, I just feel so blessed that pregnancy treats me well, and that I haven't been too sick to take care of Alia. I'm also looking forward to having two kids and seeing the way they interact and grow together and become friends. Of course, I'm soooo not looking forward to the sleepless nights again, but at least I know what to expect this time!