So one thing that provides a constant source of amusement for me is all the comments that Alia gets on her eyes. It seems like it's either the first or the second thing that anyone says when the see Alia.
"Wow, look at those eyes!"
"She has such big eyes!"
"Oh, what beautiful eyes!"
The other day I was telling Trevor that I pretty much just wait for people to make one of these comments. Well, soon after saying that, we got into an elevator with two ladies. They commented on how cute she was, but there was no "eyes" comment. I was a little put-out, but then after they got off and walked around the corner (but before the elevator door closed) I heard one of the ladies say, "Did you see how big her eyes were?" I turned to Trevor and gave him a "told you so" look. :)
The funny thing is, neither Trevor nor I ever had eyes like that when we were babies. But it's by far her most defining feature. I wonder if they'll always look a little big, or if they just look that way now because she's so little still. Only time will tell, I suppose!