The dress that Alia is wearing is the same one
I was blessed in. |
Trevor blessed our little girl on June 10th. We had my dad, his friend Lori, and my brothers there, and on Trevor's side we had his mom, dad, brother, Whitney, Grandma and Grandpa Koch, Grandma Wilcock, Aunt Susan and Uncle Greg and few of their kids, Aunt Cheri and Uncle James and some of their kids, and Uncle Steve. So as you can see, we were very blessed to be surrounded by family!
Trevor gave Alia a beautiful blessing that brought tears to his eyes and to mine. I think we were both reminded of what a special little girl we have. After the blessing, it was testimony meeting, and so Trevor and I both bore our testimonies, as well as my dad, Uncle Steve, and Grandpa Koch. Unfortunately Alia was fussing and crying through a lot of the meeting (though not for her blessing, thank goodness!) so Trevor's mom was kind enough to take her out of the chapel.
After church, we went back to Trevor's parent's house where we were treated to wonderful food. Our thanks go out to everyone who helped provide and prepare the food! It was so fun to be able to talk and laugh with family, though I really wish Alia had been in a better mood. She didn't get a lot of sleep that morning with all the activity, so she was sleepy.
We are so thankful for Alia and the joy that she has brought into our life!
Here are a few more pictures from the day. (I apologize for the poor quality of some of them. They were taken with the iPhone, and some of us didn't realize that you have to hold it so still to make sure it doesn't come out blurry.)
The cake we bought for the occasion. You can't go wrong with Costco! |
Hanging out on the "Sleepy couch" :) |
Enjoying some tasty food! |
Is it just me, or do they look like they're up to something? ;) |
I love this picture. :) |
See what I mean? She was not a happy camper. :( |