Yep, that's right. Baby Koch will be due March 19th, and I'm 10 weeks along (or two and half months). I found out I was pregnant while Trevor was on a trip to the Tetons near Yellowstone with the boy scouts, so I had to sit on the secret for three days while I waited for him to come home. It was torture! Since his birthday was a few days after he got home, I decided to give him an early birthday present...
Needless to say, he was more nervous than excited at first, but it's definitely growing on him now. We had our first prenatal visit this past Wednesday and everything is looking good. They tried to listen for the heartbeat, but couldn't find it, so they pulled out a little handheld ultrasound machine (didn't even know they had such things!) and we got to see out little baby with that beautiful flickering heartbeat. I have my twelve week appointment on September 8th, and hopefully they'll do a more thorough ultrasound at that point.
Five weeks (A little over one month) |
So, Baby Koch is about the size of a kumquat right now (Trevor thought I was talking gibberish when I said that). His or her arms, legs, feet, and hands are developed as well as all the major organs. Now it's just a matter of getting bigger! As for me, I've been very fortunate. No morning sickness so far, and I'm already almost done with the first trimester! I have been very tired though. In fact, I didn't have work today so I just slept until 11:00am. It was great. I've decided to do a picture each month to document my growing belly. And even though there isn't much of a baby bump yet, I have one for month one and two (the bulge in the picture is mostly my growing uterus (which is now the size of grapefruit!) as well as some bloating, water retention, and all that other fun pregnancy stuff).
*Side note: I am fully aware that gray with gray is just poor fashion sense, but these are the only pants and shirt that I had there were stretchy enough to last all nine months (so that the clothes stays continuous). Also, you see that my hair has grown a little! ;)
Nine weeks (a little over two months) |
We will probably get to find out the gender sometime in October, which seems like a looooong time from now. I'm hoping for a little girl, and Trevor's hoping for a little boy, but we'll both be very happy no matter what, as long as he/she is healthy. Trevor's sister, Lisa, is also pregnant right now, and she is two months ahead of me, so she'll be finding out the gender soon. These little cousins are going to be so close! As for other cousins, this baby will have Jaxon (Lisa's 2 year old boy) and Lily (my brother Jake's 5 month old girl).
Well, only 210 days left to go!